January U.S. foreclosures increase 27 percent
Zoot Enterprises releases test-file builderMortgagePress.comBureau test files, Zoot Enterprises
Zoot Enterprises has launched Diakon Automated Test File
Builder, which allows users to create and modify test files to
accurately and completely evaluate an institution's decisioning
logic and audit the performance of credit-scoring applications.
Diakon's browser-based architecture lets users build as many
custom test files as necessary to thoroughly test and evaluate
decisioning logic by using a range of possible data elements and
values. Nearly every aspect of a test file can be customized, and
once created, test files can be stored in Zoot's Resubmit Database
or in a user-specified file to be accessed like standard consumer
and business bureau test files.
Bozeman, Mont.-based Zoot Enterprises is a provider of
credit-decisioning and loan-origination systems for financial
institutions. For more information, call (406) 586-5050 or visit
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