iEmergent introduces mortgage market forecasts and analytic tools for mortgage lenders
Radian launches new site to help homeowners in mortgage defaultMortgagePress.comRadian, default, homeowners, credit counseling
Radian Guaranty Inc., the primary mortgage insurance subsidiary
of Radian Group Inc., has announced the launch of a new Website to
educate and assist homeowners in distress.
Currently online and active,
is designed to provide homeowners having difficulty paying their
mortgages with helpful information about the various workout
options and solutions that may be available to them. While the site
is primarily intended for borrowers with Radian-insured loans, any
borrower may find the available information useful.
"Whether the borrower intends to retain or sell their property,
we believe it is important that they be made aware of every
option," said Paul Fischer, executive vice president of loss
management at Radian. "These are difficult financial times, and we
are committed to working with our lenders, servicers, and borrowers
to help resolve as many of these default situations as
The Website prompts homeowners with Radian-insured loans to
enter pertinent information about their circumstances, and presents
various options customized to best resolve their specific
The site also contains links to Radian's corporate Website and to the
Website of the Consumer Credit
Counseling Service of Delaware Valley, which is partnering with
Radian to provide credit counseling for borrowers nationwide.
Through the Website, borrowers can be referred directly to the
Radian Loss Mitigation team or to the Consumer Credit Counseling
Service of Delaware Valley so that a customized workout arrangement
can be considered.
"Increased borrower contact, education, and financial assistance
are critical in resolving default situations," said Fischer.
"Radian has taken a number of recent steps, including the launch of
our unique Radian FastAdvance program, our partnership with the
Consumer Credit Counseling Service of Delaware Valley, and this new
borrower education website to increase the likelihood of a
resolution for homeowners in a difficult position."
For more information, visit
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