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How you influence you interaction with customers

Aug 17, 2008

Live in the nowJoe Cornosales training, motivation, enthusiasm I have been very curious on how enthusiasm and optimism impacts the independent Mortgage Broker during "these times," where you can make a lot of money as a by-product of being enthusiastic and optimistic. No, I am not leading you into some multi-level marketing opportunity, but some do take this route for supplemental income. I am talking about building upon the business you want to increase the mortgage business. However, people need to live and work in the industry and market that we currently have in front of us. Let me give you some negative examples and then turn the article into the atypical and positive, as you know I do. My wife and I attended a movie the other day. About 15 min. into the movie, someone to our left spoke out: "Please turn off your cell phone." I do not know if someone was texting or talking on their phone, but he was not settling in and taking advantage of the movie that he paid to see. I thoroughly got into the movie and forgot everything else outside of the theater and on my mind. Later, when I inquired of my wife, she did the same; then she brought up the comment that we heard at the beginning of the movie. I hope this allegory is sinking in. As I travel around and train Mortgage Brokers, I find them preoccupied with things that limit their absorption of the course that they paid to attend. They are taking calls, texting and e-mailing as I present the course materials. This is not multi-tasking. This is exactly what the cell phone-user at the movie was doing. They are not taking in all that they can and are missing things that are right in front of them. I heard one trainer put it this way: "Be there!" People want you to "wow" them. If you are dwelling around the office and thinking of what you should do, then go do something. Get the "wow" going, and invite others to get the positive and proactive process flowing. The second negative example is those who lament about past days of the business. If your brass plaques or glass awards are over two years old, take them off the wall! Start building references and accomplishments now. If you are wasting time dwelling on how the good old days were instead of creating good old days, you are living back then and not now. Start living in the now and learning from the past. I always say that training is most needed when you can least afford it. I am not too busy these days, and it shows in the business being provided from you and your company. Notice that I did not say: "Being experienced." You need to change and become a business provider, rather than allowing the industry experiences to control you. Okay! Let us start the positive spin by instructing you on what you would do with great business coming your way. First, kick off your "living in the now" by holding a "wow" event. It does not need to be expensive, but get a bunch of people together and generate high enthusiasm and optimism. If you are waiting for great business to celebrate, you are reversing how you would act in an enthusiastic and optimistic business. Have everyone check their cell phones at the door and enjoy the activity. It could be a barbeque, a dance or an ice cream social. Invite everyone that you know and take a moment to thank them and tell them what you do for a living. Now watch itdo not request referrals. You are desperately begging when you ask for referrals. You get referrals by "wowing" them, and you are not begging for business. There needs to be a theme for how you are going to tell them what you are going to do. You need to develop the theme and present it to the office for support. Get others supporting you to squelch the negativism that the doom and gloom people in this industry carry with them. Take the theme and blast it out there. I have been traveling and dropping in on offices. They respond that I am alone in my travels, and most have stopped coming by. Take flyers around, offer to assist them with your services and get others to help by developing from your rank and file. The rank and file could be staff, family, friends and neighbors. Build an army of people to tell others what you do and that you are proactively building now. What really counts is what we do for others; so the part that you do needs to be exceptional and of a benefit to others. To prevent e-mails requesting suggestions on what to do, let me list some examples. Be the best with first-time homebuyer programs. Be the best at finding properties and loans that will "flow cash" as a rental; this is a realistic "do" when considering values versus housing expense in most areas. Be smiling and running everywhere so that you generate excitement. Be the best at finding hard-to-place loans. Be the best facilitator, getting people to the right people and places quickly. Whatever it is that you choose to do, announce it, parade it and celebrate it. Be enthusiastic and optimistic about it and you will develop a business that self-generates business. I pride myself on being an atypical trainer. I continually receive e-mails expressing such sentiments. In my response to the e-mails, the sender quickly realizes that my response and follow-through cannot be matched. I will check back, send a reminder and occasionally call if they do not respond electronically. If you are a broker with originators shriveling up on this business vine, then it is time to add some fertilizer (poop) and get them growing on the success tree once again. I recently received an e-mail on the cost of my material. I explained that if you have me train it personally or just buy the book, it is the same net profit to me. We have exchanged a few e-mails, and the broker has asked for references of people who have taken my training and incorporated it into their activities and lives. I sent him a few names, but are we not reverting back to the movie cell phone experience? I mean, if you are waiting for the time-tested successes of others, that will be the past industry, and you will not be living in the now once more. Joe Corno is president of Utah-based We Be Consulting and Seminars. He may be reached at (801) 836-2077 or e-mail [email protected].
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