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Fed approves revision to Regulation C to improve HMDA data reportingMortgagePress.comFederal Reserve, HMDA, Regulation C, APR
The Federal Reserve Board (Fed) has approved final amendments to
Regulation C that revise the rules regarding the reporting of price
information for higher-priced mortgage loans. These amendments
intend to collect more accurate and useful information under the
Home Mortgage Disclosure Act. Under Regulation C's current
provisions, lenders must collect and report the rate spread between
the annual percentage rate (APR) on a mortgage loan and the yield
on Treasury securities if the spread is greater than three
percentage points for a first-lien mortgage loan, or five points on
a subordinate-lien loan. Under the revised rule, lenders must
collect and report the rate spread between the loan's APR and an
"average prime offer rate" if the spread meets or exceeds 1.5
percentage points for a first-lien loan, or 3.5 points for a
subordinate-lien loan. The average prime offer rate is a
survey-based estimate of APRs currently offered on prime mortgages
of a comparable type. The Fed will publish average prime offer
rates based on the Primary Mortgage Market Survey currently
published by Freddie Mac.
The final rule will become effective Oct. 1, 2009. For a copy of
the Federal Register notice, click here.
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