Delinquencies increase, foreclosure starts flat in latest MBA National Delinquency Survey
StreetLinks announces 'SANDRA' automated order assignmentMortgagePress.comStreetLinks, SANDRA, appraisal, Tony Ebeyer, Assignment Notification ans Direct Response Assistant, Steve Haslam
StreetLinks National Appraisal Services announces a new
automated assignment process. When an order is placed with
StreetLinks, an automated phone call is placed to the best
qualified appraiser in the area allowing for faster acceptance and
scheduling of the appraisal. Coupled with StreetLinks ability to
accommodate and process point of sale appraisal pre-pay, this
creates the most streamlined order assignment process in the
Appraisal Management industry.
Tony Ebeyer, StreetLinks COO stated, "We have developed our
StreetLinks Assignment Notification & Direct Response Assistant
(SANDRA) to automate and accelerate the initial order acceptance.
We still utilize our assignment algorithm that assigns orders to
the best historical performers in the field. Once the order is
assigned, the appraiser receives both an immediate e-mail and fax
notification. Now they will also receive a phone call from SANDRA.
This is just one more step in reaching the appraiser and setting
appointments as quickly as possible."
StreetLinks CEO, Steve Haslam, explained, "SANDRA is just one
piece of our overall turn-time solution. Most mortgage companies
are not in a position to collect credit card or e-check information
for borrowers to pre-pay their appraisal. Our process secures the
homeowner's commitment by collecting payment upfront. It also
eliminates appraisal fee accounting for the lender and guarantees
the homeowner a quick and accurate appointment. SANDRA benefits
both the homeowner and the loan officer by getting the order
committed, assigned and scheduled faster."
SANDRA has been fully tested and is currently operational. This
technology allows StreetLinks to remain an industry leader in turn
time, customer service and innovation.
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