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FDIC to Host Roundtable Discussion on Implementation of Dodd-Frank Act

Sep 22, 2010

As part of the implementation of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2010, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) will host a second in a series of roundtable discussions with external parties. The discussion will focus on the new deposit insurance assessment authority and take place on Friday, Sept. 24, 2010, from 10:00 a.m.-noon. Government officials, industry executives, and others will discuss goals for deposit insurance fund management and how those goals can best be achieved given the new authority. FDIC staff will provide a brief history of deposit insurance assessments; changes outlined in Dodd-Frank; and an analysis on managing the deposit insurance fund in good times and bad. This background information will form the basis of a broader policy discussion for the roundtable. Participation is by invitation only, however, the FDIC will Webcast each roundtable. Interested parties may view the discussion by clicking here. An archive will be made available approximately two to three days following the live Webcast. The roundtables are part of the FDIC's overall effort to bring transparency into the process. The first forum was held Aug. 31 and centered on the new resolution authority provided in Dodd-Frank. The FDIC has created a dedicated Website for financial regulatory reform. The site contains: A list of events, including subsequent roundtable discussions; a place for interested parties to submit and view comments on financial regulatory reform; and information on the FDIC's overall open-door policy on reform.  For more information, visit
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