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McLean Mortgage Breaks the $1 Billion Mark in Production in September

Oct 18, 2012

McLean Mortgage Corporation has announced that the company has surpassed $1 billion in mortgage closings through the end of the month of September. The company further projects that it will reach a production level of just under $1.5 billion for all of 2012. Nathan Burch, president of McLean Mortgage Corporation, remarked that he is thrilled by the growth levels of the company and how well McLean has been received in the Virginia, D.C. and North Carolina markets. “For a company which is in its fourth year of production to reach this level of volume is very rare," said Burch. "We have grown to become one of the top 100 mortgage companies in America—as designated by Mortgage Executive Magazine—while many others have struggled to keep up with changes in the industry. This has happened because we have put systems in place designed to provide first-in-class service to our clients.” “We are particularly proud that McLean Mortgage Corporation has achieved this growth while keeping our average time from application to closing at about 50 percent of the average reported by the Mortgage Bankers Association of America for August of 2012,” said Pat Peavley, CEO of McLean Mortgage.
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Oct 18, 2012