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OTS approves Taylor, Bean and Whitaker Mortgage’s controlling interest in Platinum Bancshares Inc.

Mar 24, 2014

OTS approves Taylor, Bean and Whitaker Mortgage’s controlling interest in Platinum Bancshares Inc. MortgagePress.comOffice of Thrift Supervision, Taylor, Bean and Whitaker Mortgage Corporation, Platinum Community Bank

After receiving approval by the Office of Thrift Supervision (OTS), in late June, Taylor, Bean & Whitaker Mortgage Corporation (TB&W) acquired a controlling interest in Platinum Bancshares Inc. on July 9, 2008.

William Leaming, CEO of Platinum Community Bank, commented, "We are excited about the resources that TB&W will provide to Platinum. They are one of the premier national players in the prime residential mortgage arena. The transaction will allow Platinum to diversify the products and services that it offers."

"Platinum Community Bank is an opportunity for TB&W to participate in the community bank process and essentially pilot the offerings we ask our community bank customers to adopt, said Lee Farkas, chairman of TB&W. The infusion of technology, resources and strength allows Platinum to offer more to their customers."

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Mar 24, 2014