Landlord Bans Trump Voters From Residency
A Colorado landlord has a warning for prospective tenants: If you are voting for Donald Trump, you will not be considered for residency.
According to a Grand Junction Sentinel report, Mark Holmes’ two-bedroom apartment comes with a hot tub and organic garden space, but there is no room for anyone that supports the real estate mogul’s bid for the White House. His advertisement in a local publication stressed that anyone who self-identifies as a Trump voter would be immediately disqualified from consideration.
“I live in the top part of the house,” Holmes said. “I don’t want anybody that even thinks that Donald Trump can be a good president to live in my home.”
Although Holmes has received a flurry of hostile telephone calls because of his political statement, he does not have to fear being investigated by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). Under the Fair Housing Act, there are no provisions to prohibit discrimination based on political ideology.
“That has nothing to do with the Fair Housing Act,” said HUD spokesman Jerry Brown, who added that he is unaware of similar situations involving the current or previous presidential races. “But that seems to be a first, and it’s original.”
As for Holmes, he has little faith that the American public will share his politics.
“I swear to God, half the nation is on Prozac,” he complained. “People are asleep at the wheel.”