Ellie Mae Launches Version 16.2 of Encompass
Ellie Mae has announced that it has launched Version 16.2 of Encompass, its all-in-one mortgage management solution. The latest version of Encompass offers new and enhanced integrations with Freddie Mac tools, and enhancements to the Total Quality Loan (TQL) program, including strengthened strategic partnerships and updates to Encompass Product and Pricing Service (EPPS).
“The latest version of our Encompass all-in-one mortgage management solution will offer enhanced TQL capabilities, more customer choice with leading providers like First American Mortgage Solutions and DataVerify and updates to the Encompass Product and Pricing Service,” said Jonathan Corr, president and CEO of Ellie Mae. “And with this new release of Encompass, Ellie Mae is first to market with our integration with the new Freddie Mac Loan Product Advisor and Loan Quality Advisor, key elements of Freddie Mac’s Loan Advisor Suite. This release incorporates their tools directly into Encompass, offering our customers greater certainty and more streamlined workflow.”
Ellie Mae is the first to market with integrations to select applications in Freddie Mac’s new Loan Advisor Suite. Encompass will offer Loan Product Advisor, the replacement for Freddie Mac’s automated underwriting system, Loan Prospector, and the cornerstone tool of Freddie Mac’s Loan Advisor Suite. Loan Product Advisor is the next generation in the evolution of automated underwriting with a focus on further streamlining the underwriting process for greater efficiency. In addition, Encompass will offer integration with Freddie Mac’s Loan Quality Advisor, available to Freddie Mac sellers. The integration of Loan Quality Advisor, Freddie Mac’s risk and loan eligibility assessment tool, into Ellie Mae’s Encompass allows its customers to originate loans within Freddie Mac guidelines more easily and with greater certainty, taking immediate advantage of the new features Freddie Mac is bringing to market.