New Survey Finds Cluelessness on Real Estate Investing

Is real estate a good investment? According to a new survey commissioned by RealtyShares, an online marketplace for real estate investing, 40 percent of Americans did not know if stocks, real estate, commodities, bonds, or cash equivalents such as oil, gold and cotton generated the best returns since 2000. Only 16 percent of respondents believed real estate was the best performer, but 25 percent identified stocks as the best investment.
The survey, conducted online among over 2,000 adults by Harris Poll, found 64 percent of and 68 percent of women agreeing that home flipping is a good way to make money. Adults between 35 and 44 were more likely to view home flipping positively than those 45 and older (77 percent versus 60 percent), while 44 percent of men and 31 percent or women thought they would be able to complete a home flip.
“Risks are inherent with all investments, so diversification is important for any investor’s portfolio,” said Nav Athwal, CEO of RealtyShares. “That the majority of Americans haven’t tapped into real estate can speak to the lack of access that has been inherent in the industry for a long time.”
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