LendingQB Makes FormFree’s AccountChek Asset Verification Part of Its LOS

FormFree has announced the availability of its AccountChek automated asset verification service within LendingQB’s Web-based loan origination software (LOS). The integration enables lenders to order AccountChek Asset Reports directly from LendingQB’s verifications dashboard.
FormFree’s AccountChek service lets borrowers demonstrate their ability to repay mortgage loans without tracking down bank statements or other asset documents. The secure process results in a smoother borrower experience that greatly reduces loan processing and underwriting time and reduces the total time required to close a loan.
“AccountChek provides an ultra-secure and convenient way for borrowers to submit asset and deposit data using any smart device—and now, through our integration with LendingQB, the experience is just as secure and convenient for the loan officer or processor initiating the AccountChek process,” said FormFree Founder and Chief Executive Officer Brent Chandler.
LendingQB President Tim Nguyen said, “LendingQB’s verifications dashboard gives lenders efficient access to the Day 1 Certainty services they know and trust, like AccountChek by FormFree. By reducing the time and effort required to enable, order and track these services, we are further enhancing the value they already bring to our customers.”
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