Simplifile Adds 51 New Counties in 17 States to Its E-Recording Network

Intercontinental Exchange Inc., an operator of global exchanges and clearing houses and provider of data and listings services, has announced that with the addition of 51 recording jurisdictions in 17 states, Simplifile’s e-recording network now contains more than 2,000 jurisdictions.
“E-recording adoption grows each and every day, covering more than 80 percent of our nation’s population,” said Paul Clifford, president of Simplifile. “We applaud our recent additions to Simplifile’s e-recording network for taking the necessary steps to modernize their operations and deliver exceptional service to residents of their respective jurisdictions.”
Simplifile currently serves 2,019 counties, representing more than 80 percent of the U.S. population. It enables counties and other recording jurisdictions to drive down processing time and costs by securely reviewing, stamping, recording and returning a range of documents electronically. In addition, recording fees and payments can be processed directly through Simplifile’s secure payment service, eliminating payment errors and check-writing expenses.
Simplifile is part of ICE Mortgage Services which applies technology and high-capacity infrastructure to make the mortgage process electronic and thus more efficient.
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