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Sales and Marketing
Coming Up:
The Mobile Mortgage Mom
Survive till ‘25? Not Jordan Nutter. She plans to soar in ‘24

Finding A Market In Gen Z
To achieve their home ownership dreams, young borrowers need guidance

NewRez Introduces 1% Down Mortgages
RezSource targeted to low-income borrowers and first-time homebuyers.
Emmy-Winning Director Takes Viewers Inside the World of Mortgage Originators in 'LO Confidential'
New reality series offers a glimpse of the mortgage industry's challenges.
Shake Things Up In 2024
Embrace change and revitalize your brand for lasting impact

Luxury Home Prices Hit Highest Third-Quarter Level Ever
Redfin report says the market segment might soon cool, though.
Tales From The 100-Acre Wood
Be more like Winnie and less like Eeyore to increase business

Burrowing Into Borrowers' Brains
Getting insight into borrowers' needs builds better relationships and more closings

Hello, Home Equity. Or Is It Goodbye?
Mortgage pros still report profiting on HELOCs despite negative projections

Mortgage Banker
How To Do A Brand Audit
Evaluate your brand’s position, strengths, and weaknesses in the marketplace

Mortgage Banker