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The Elite Performer: Wants vs. Needs

Mar 31, 2015

As commissioned sales professionals, we are always prospecting and looking for new clients while retaining existing clients for any future transactions and referrals. I’ve always been interested in watching different mortgage loan originators (MLOs) in our industry and what different behaviors create success or failure. Over the years, I’ve found that there are certainly similarities between those that thrive and those that struggle, but none more than the confidence portrayed on wanting the business versus needing the business.

A need is something you have to have, but a want is something you would like to have. The challenge in a commissioned- or performance-based career is that most people are usually on one end of the spectrum or another. Some bounce back and forth, but when production is down or if an MLO is struggling, they find themselves needing the new business to survive or continue down the same career path chosen. Unfortunately, when your balance sheet controls you and not vice versa, some bad habits can further negatively impact your chances for success.

If you have struggled in the past or present, here are a few things to be aware of and look out for if becoming a needy MLO:

►Behavior when interacting with clients can come across with a feeling of anxiety or desperation, reacting unprofessionally to objections or not remaining relaxed and professional.

The level of confidence can be low due to the financial stress experienced or negative thoughts about the future.

There is unfortunately an elevated level of risk for some that could result in unethical and possibly even illegal activities motivated by desperation.

These behaviors can develop added stress and continue to worsen the situation by turning off potential prospects, among other significant issues for the future and integrity of our industry.

So what can you do to make sure you’re an MLO that is motivated more by wanting the business over needing the business? Well, the first step of course is to get your financial life in order and have a marketing and follow up plan to build and sustain new clients. Having control over your balance sheet will help you be more confident and professional, while hopefully maintaining strong integrity levels. Simply control and prioritize your wants by not being controlled by your needs.


Andy W. Harris, CRMS is president and owner of Lake Oswego, Ore.-based Vantage Mortgage Group Inc. and 2010-2011 president of the Oregon Association of Mortgage Professionals. He may be reached by phone at (877) 496-0431, e-mail [email protected] or visit




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