NAMB+ Announces MortgageHippo as Newest Endorsed Provider

MortgageHippo allows loan originators of all sizes to deliver a modern borrowing experience, improving borrower conversions, while reducing origination costs through automation and standardization. MortgageHippo was designed to bring both transparency and efficiency to the home loan process, through the searching of and comparison of loans, completion of the mortgage application, through the final closing of the loan.
“In today’s fast-paced, high-tech world, mortgage originators need to stay ahead of this technological curve,” said Nathan S. Pierce, president of NAMB+. “MortgageHippo provides mortgage professionals with that advantage, and by utilizing MortgageHippo as an NAMB+ Endorsed Provider, they can remain ahead of the pack.”
NAMB+ connects NAMB members with an array of Endorsed Providers aimed at helping mortgage professionals gain a competitive advantage in today’s marketplace with discounts and special programs only available to NAMB members. NAMB+ brings everything from compliance, credit reports, lead generation, phone services, social media, custom canvas prints and much more to NAMB members as part of the NAMB+ program.
“Digital innovation is transforming the way consumers get a mortgage and making the process more seamless and efficient for all parties,” said Valentin Saportas Esq., chief executive officer of MortgageHippo. “Loan originators of all sizes have the opportunity to leverage digital technologies to be more successful than ever before. We are very excited to be chosen by NAMB+ as an Endorsed Provider to bring modern, digital mortgage technology to NAMB members."
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