ProxyPics App Launched for Real-Time, On-Demand Property Pics

ProxyPics, a new mobile app available for both iOS and Android devices, has been launched that allows anyone to request on-demand photos of properties, anywhere, quickly and affordably. With the ProxyPics new app, anyone with a mobile phone can take a picture of anything needed immediately.
Once the app is installed, users will be notified of available jobs in their area. ProxyPics is a life-changer for those requesting and taking pictures. ProxyPics is part of the gig economy revolution, allowing everyone to make money on their own schedule.
“ProxyPics has the ability to significantly change the way transactions are performed in the real estate industry by arming users with almost real-time data to speed up decision-making," said Luke Tomaszewski, Chief Executive Officer of ProxyPics.
ProxyPics is a platform designed to make region-specific photography available to all, leveraging GPS and digital payment technologies to match photo requests to the photo takers on a global scale. It is also set to disrupt entire industries, by making time-sensitive, affordable photos available on a grand scale.
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