One of my favorite sayings is, “Little things mean a lot. Not true. Little things mean everything.”
It is the little things that separate mediocrity and excellence, a little account and a big account.
Years ago, I was calling on the number two envelope user in the Twin Cities. The buyer wouldn’t see me for about a year before I could schedule an appointment. He never bought from me, but I got to know him and built my Mackay 66 Customer Profile on him.
I stopped in one day, but he wasn’t in the office. His gatekeeper told me that his 11-year-old son was hit by a car while riding his bicycle and was in the hospital. I knew from the Mackay 66 that the kid played hockey, and his father was the coach. I went to our professional hockey team and had some of the players sign a goalie stick and shipped it to the hospital with a note. This little gesture made the boy mighty happy. Plus, it resulted in $10 million in envelope business over the years, and they are still one of our largest accounts.
All those small actions you take strung together can, in the end, make an immense contribution to you reaching your goals and your dreams.