Doug Kennedy
SVP, Client Success
Candor Technology
What’s changed for you the most since you joined the mortgage industry?
What’s changed most has been the number of long lasting relationships I’ve developed over the years. Networking is great, but I’m referring to those folks that you’ve worked so hard with on a daily basis for so many years, they are like an extension of your family.
What significant changes would you like to see from the mortgage industry in 2023?
I would like to see our industry embrace technology more. Adapting and adopting new technology will help prevent the constant staffing up and down issues all lenders experience when the market changes. With technology, you can right size your staff and lean on technology to eliminate the constant staffing changes.
What has been your biggest accomplishment as a mortgage professional?
My biggest accomplishment has been the help I’ve been able to provide others. From the borrowers to my staff, seeing the good that this industry can bring is very rewarding. It’s not an award or a monetary achievement that I am most proud of; it’s the impact on other people’s lives.
For borrowers, helping them accomplish their goal of homeownership is an absolute pleasure.
For staff, I was able to take folks that had little to no mortgage experience, and help them develop into highly successful mortgage professionals. Watching these young and hard-working individuals build long-lasting careers in this industry is something I am very proud of.
Matthew Khan
SVP, Capital Markets & Product Development
Newfi Lending
What makes the mortgage industry exciting and fun?
The best part about working in the mortgage industry is that it never gets boring. You cannot get complacent. The fast-paced environment makes sure that you always have an opportunity to learn and grow.
What advice would you give to those just getting started in the mortgage industry?
Don’t get discouraged. Every failure is a learning opportunity — don’t let it stop you. Keep going and you will be better for it.
What’s changed for you the most since you joined the mortgage industry?
Before I joined the industry, I had no prior knowledge of the complexities of this business. Over the years with the influence of several important mentors I have changed into a better, more well-rounded professional. I owe much of my success to the industry veterans who took me under their wing and challenged me.
What significant changes would you like to see from the mortgage industry in 2023?
What everyone is searching for is stability in the market. I’m hoping to see more innovation and creativity as we all navigate these changing conditions.
Shane Kidwell
Founder, Coach
Next Level Loan Officers
From Shane’s nomination:
Shane Kidwell is a top 1% originator who created a full-time mortgage business while also working as a full-time fireman at one of the busiest stations on the west coast. With a back injury slowing him down, he took an early retirement in 2016 and with the help of three friends in the mortgage industry, started Next Level Loan Officers.
He is a full-time producing loan officer, branch manager and runs several other successful complementary businesses.
Significant Industry Contributions
Top 1% Loan Officer 6+ years in a row
Founder/Coach for Next Level.
Next Level Loan Officers is now one of the largest mortgage coaching companies in the industry and recently launched their new digital community exclusive to the mortgage industry which has over 500 paid members.
Shane also helped create and launch Certified Mortgage Advisors in partnership with MBS Highway and has been a speaker at many industry events.
Why does this person deserve to be recognized as one of this year’s 40 Under 40?
Shane is an incredibly generous person. He gives everything he has to the mortgage community day in and day out. His transparent, direct, honest approach to coaching and leading has helped thousands of originators all across the U.S.
He is passionate about our industry, seeing it through any crisis or downturn and loves helping others.
Giuseppe Lucido
SVP, Operations
United Wholesale Mortgage
What makes the mortgage industry exciting and fun?
What makes the mortgage industry exciting for me is that it is constantly changing! There is so much room for improvement to the way mortgages are originated, and because of UWM I get to be at the forefront of innovation in the space.
What advice would you give to those just getting started in the mortgage industry?
The industry can be cyclical, but success in it doesn’t need to be. Individuals and companies who dedicate themselves to constantly learning in the pursuit of delivering a better product or service can grow and have success in any market cycle.
What’s changed for you the most since you joined the mortgage industry?
I would like to see the industry put a bigger emphasis on making the mortgage process better for the consumer. There are still some major components of the consumer experience that are time consuming, confusing and often expensive, and I’d like to see some more disruption to some of those “norms”.
What has been your biggest accomplishment as a mortgage professional?
Finding a good balance between work and being present with my wife and kids has definitely been the biggest accomplishment of my career. It’s easy to get lost in work, but finding a healthy balance has been important for me to perform my best in a sustainable way.
Danny Meier
Area Manager
Academy Mortgage Corporation
From his nomination:
You won’t find a next-generation originator as powerful, influential, yet humble like Academy Mortgage Area Manager Danny Meier. In his few years with Academy, Danny has challenged his team to find innovative ways to work more efficiently, while constantly looking to shave time off the process — matching speed with superior customer service. His philosophies shine through his remarkable success, hitting just under $800 million in total volume in 2021. Danny is incredibly hardworking, yet kind and generous — he is truly one to emulate.
Significant Industry Contributions:
In a few short years, Danny Meier has become a standout. With his natural leadership skills and razor-sharp understanding of the business, Danny often finds himself as a mentor, not only to his fellow team members, but to originators across the country. He is always willing to spread his knowledge to help others succeed by sharing the tools he uses to build excitement and gain the interest of his partners.
Danny possesses an ability to see the big picture, think outside the box and encourages others to do the same. He is constantly looking for different ways to drive his business and has the ability to pivot to what works. He doesn’t fear rejection and understands that following up and being consistent with his customers and partners are the key to success. He helps others to believe that anything is possible and is willing to put in the work to show that to others.
Gregory Meola
Managing Director
Acra Lending
What advice would you give to those just getting started in the mortgage industry?
The best advice I could give is to be patient and learn. Each role or market will present a new challenge and that creates an opportunity to develop yourself. At the same time, you have to be patient, this is an easy business to jump in during the high times and jump out during the low times. I had my first taste of the mortgage industry as an intern in the early 2000’s during the refi boom. I had my first job in the mortgage industry in the crash of ’08. More elements of my career were established in challenging times. Finally, as you work your way up the ladder remember to “show up.” Think about the role in the industry that is the brass ring for you and think in that mindset every day.
What’s changed for you the most since you joined the mortgage industry?
Products and technology have changed the most. Since I have been in the industry there have been a lot of products that have come and gone or have been recycled into a variation of its predecessor. I remember taking paper loan applications, using a courier to send docs, and actually stacking files, and I’m not that old! It has been interesting to see so many organizations attempt to build a better mouse trap in a highly regulated environment.
Lauren Moore
Client Success Executive
Mortgage Cadence
What advice would you give to those just getting started in the mortgage industry?
1. Be inquisitive and curious — If you don’t inquire and understand the why, you are limiting your worth, both in the short and long term.
2. Set short and long-term career goals — The long-term goals will feel so farfetched at the start of your career, but trust me when I say, it’s worth it and so humbling to sit back and reflect on how far you’ve come.
3. Seek feedback from colleagues and superiors — While soliciting feedback can feel intimidating at first, it’s extremely valuable. Whether you work for a company with a formal system allowing you to request feedback or you have to go about it “manually,” just do it. The more you make a habit of this, the more organic it will feel.
4. Join a mentoring program — I remember my very first professional mentor (Brenda King, previous sr. manager of credit policy at Genworth Mortgage Insurance), who is still a huge part of my life. From sitting at her desk reviewing guidelines to helping me prepare for interviews and, most importantly, just giving me life advice, I’ll never forget all that she taught me and the impact she has had on my career. And remember, mentoring is a two-way street. Every person has some value to add, and if done well, a mentor/mentee partnership brings fruit to both sides of the desk or Zoom call.
Christopher Naylor
Chief Revenue Officer
Direct Mortgage Loans
What makes the mortgage industry exciting and fun?
The fast pace and ever-changing nature of the mortgage industry are what keeps things exciting for me. Getting to celebrate our employee’s success is what makes it fun.
What advice would you give to those just getting started in the mortgage industry?
You will need to unlock a new gear of toughness and perseverance that you didn’t realize you had, do right by your clients, and work hard. The rest will take care of itself.
What significant changes would you like to see from the mortgage industry in 2023?
The mortgage industry significantly trails other financial service industries regarding technology adoption and process efficiencies. I would like to see the industry continue to build on the progress we were forced to make during the pandemic. Things like e-notes, automated property valuations, digital documentation, and virtual settlements should be the norm, not the exception.
Overall, I am optimistic about our industry in 2023. The short-term outlook doesn’t appear to be attractive, but there is nothing wrong with a course correction. The market was unfairly stacked against buyers in 2020 and 2021, which needed to change.