Student Loan Debt Delaying, But Not Preventing, Homeownership Demand
Higher education increases Millennials' earnings and buying power, but student loans may delay homeownership.
Higher education increases Millennials' earnings and buying power, but student loans may delay homeownership.
Millennials are cynical on homebuying, according to an Alkami report.
55% of Millennials are unable to buy property and many say they may never own a home.
Empty-nesters own twice as many large homes as millennials
30% of millennials and Gen Zers moved up credit tiers within the past two years, more than older consumers.
ServiceLink's State of Homebuying Report reveals that younger generations remain undeterred by high mortgage rates and lower incomes, showcasing their determination to enter homeownership amidst current market conditions.
Older buyers are dominating the market, and changing how homes get purchased.