Michael Jackman Named CEO at ComplianceEase
ComplianceEase has named Michael Jackman as its new Chief Executive Officer, replacing Anita Kwan, the company’s Co-Founder, who is retiring.
Jackman has previously served as acting-Chief Technology Officer for the Burlingame, Calif.-based ComplianceEase in 2006, and has been a member of its board of advisors since 2005. He was previously CEO at buildrrDIGITAL and President of Micyn Holdings.
“Michael is one of our industry’s true visionaries and a leader who has great credibility in the marketplace,” said John Vong, ComplianceEase’s Co-Founder, who was named Executive Chairman of the Board. “I’m looking forward to working with him to help our clients and industry partners as they transition to the coming digital future.”
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