Kraninger’s CFPB Hearing Set for July 19

Kathy Kraninger, President Trump’s choice to serve as the next Director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), will receive a confirmation hearing before the Senate Banking Committee on July 19.

Kraninger, who is currently Associate Director of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), is expected to receive harsh questioning by the committee’s Democrats, especially Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), who has threatened to put a hold on the nomination unless Kraninger turns over documents and e-mails related to whatever role she might have played at the OMB in formulating the Trump Administration’s Zero Tolerance Policy related to illegal immigrants. Warren has also gone as far as to demand the U.S. Chamber of Commerce withdraw its support for Kraninger. For her part, Kraninger has not publicly commented on Warren’s actions.
The Senate Banking Committee has also scheduled confirmation hearings on July 24 for two addition Trump nominations: Elad L. Roisman, who was chosen to fill the seat of departing Securities & Exchange Commissioner (SEC) Michael Piwowar and Michael R. Bright to Ginnie Mae.
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