Beyond the standard facets of a company’s brand like color schemes, design elements, and general aesthetics, a brand voice is a critical component that businesses should be utilizing to allow them to stand out from competitors. All too often though, a brand voice tends to be overlooked or not pushed to the fullest extent because it is a portion of marketing that is not as well understood. In the mortgage industry, many companies are so concerned with usage of industry terminology and how they phrase their marketing, that there is no distinguishing voice that sets their marketing apart. Especially with the increasing importance of social media as a part of a successful marketing mix, a strong brand voice is something that every company should be working on as part of their ongoing branding efforts. So what can a company do to develop and strengthen their brand voice, and more importantly, why does it even matter?
Finding Your Voice
Just like any person has a distinct way of speaking, brands typically do too. Think of when you are networking with folks at any event. What often makes certain people stand out in a setting where you are conversing with dozens, if not hundreds of people at a time, is the way they speak. It is the distinct way they converse with you, the flow of their words, their choice of language, their personality and most importantly the way they tell their story or how they express the thought or idea they are trying to get across to you. That is what makes a distinct and memorable impression on you. That is how you should think of your brand voice.
A brand voice is the distinct personality that a company conveys in all of their communication. That could be in marketing materials, in advertisements, in email communications, the skies the limit. The easiest way to think of developing a brand voice for your company is, if your brand was a person, how would that person speak? What personality traits would they have? What type of language would they use in typical conversation and what phrases would they use?
Once you have determined those aspects of your brand voice, it’s important to apply them everywhere your brand is communicating. And believe it or not, yes, this not only applies to external communication with customers but also to internal communications with employees as well. While it may seem “cult-ish” it helps to reinforce branding and the personality of the company as a whole, and it builds brand loyalty not only with your customers but also with the people that make your company what it is, your employees, by making the company seem more humanized.